FBtW Chapter 14!

Hey everyone!

I'm excited to announce that Chapter 14 has officially reached Public Release! 🎉

For now, it's available as a stand-alone build, meaning you'll only have access to the newest chapter in this release. After merging everything together, we've run into some issues causing crashes and other unexpected behaviour, so we're still ironing out those bugs.

On the bright side, Chapters 1-5 have been completely revamped, and we're currently hard at work on Chapters 6-9. We’re aiming to have those ready before Chapter 15 drops next month. This brings us to the good news: we're back to a monthly—or at most, bi-monthly—release schedule. 

Starting with the next update, FBtW will be a single, cohesive file, with early chapters updated to match the improved sprite interactivity you've seen in later releases.

Thanks for your patience and support. Enjoy the new chapter and happy reading!

Best regards,



FBtW-0.14-and.apk 767 MB
14 days ago
FBtW-0.14-linux.tar.bz2 681 MB
14 days ago
FBtW-0.14-mac.zip 715 MB
14 days ago
FBtW-0.14-pc.zip 732 MB
14 days ago

Get Far Beyond the World


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Wait. Where is the rest? Did you delete everything after chapter 13 and made it 14? I don't get it. I remember at least two whole days more, maybe several, with them ending up back at the village with our human guy as actual ambassador, talking with the chief, scheming against hag and cuck to let chief stay chief and uncle "being an ass about stuff" - with hag losing some popular vote at a feast and much more...

Please stop releasing "alpha versions". IRL beta is higher up, you know? ;D

I mean: please, fgs, make up your mind, wait a couple month before ereleasing your "finished" work. I mean, this "New Chapter 14" is basically just the same we had before, with all story progress since 13 removed.

Nothing makes sense anymore. Stop being so scatterbrained :P

Was worth the wait :) Waiiit, I played Chapter 13 almost 2 years ago????

“....the cold never bothered me anyway”



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Absolutely love this VN, but I am a little lost, chapter 14 just came out, but the last part I read was Ranok just returned. And then the sudden jump....to where 14 is at, I think I am somehow missing something?

Unless i'm mistaken if you're talking about when Ranok returns from his trip then you need to download chapter 13 use chapter select to play from 9 to the current chapter and then you can play chapter 14. He did mention he was going to merge all the chapters into one next update so you shouldn't need to worry about doing this for later chapters. Unless you are talking about something else in which case i'm waiting for the next update to play through it again on one file so i have yet to play chapter 14 so i don't know what your issue is or if it suddenly jumps.

Ty! I knew I was missing something

Of course, hope you enjoy the rest of the chapters.

way- ta- go Kael! 

What does the “revamp” of the first five chapters mean? What’s changed?

Re done to make it look cleaner


but ill play it tonight after work

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oh nice a new chapter, lets see whats cooking.


So glad for the new chapter!

It’s the first one I’ve ever read and one i read again and again, I’m addicted! 

Thank you so much!


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Minor spoilers from alpha!

I think the rename to Caelen should be optional and not affect the story. Otherwise, it just feels like the character name is pointless, and the MC should just be Caelen should be his name from the start, along with just not remembering the MC's name in the first place...

Custom name shouldn't be pointless by taking the name agency away. Also wasted programming space.

This was great! Thank you so much for all the work you put into this. For some reason, 0.14 doesn't seem to be correctly tagged as downloadable by any OS, the way the previous versions were, so it's not downloadable by the itch launcher.

It was an okay chapter. Can't wait to see what's next.

bops my glass towards you

super excited about this update AHHH problem issss tho....i can download it I'm having the same trouble everyone else is and I tried downloading it through the website and got the folder but ngl I have no idea what to do from there :'

the newest build won"t appear on the itch app cause they were not tagged with the OS they are for. 

To get around this on windows, go to your downloads folder after you got it from the itch website and double-click on it. Do it again and then one last time on the actual FBtW application. It will ask you what you want to do; choose 'extract all' and then 'extract.' After it's done, go back to your downloads folder and do the same clicks on the new, unzipped folder. Windows incorrectly marks some Renpy versions as malicious, if this happens, click on the 'more info' option and then 'run anyways' Have fun!! this is the same for pretty much any VN on here so yeah

Watching someone play this on youtube made me realize that the character sprites aren't loading properly for me... Anyone have an idea why and how to fix it?

Still a good read though.

so i dont know if its me but when i go to download chapter 14 it gives me 13 and 4.5.8 and not chapter 14

is anyone else having problems downloading the update? when i download the .14 version it just installs old builds

Deleted 10 days ago

No, I am encountering the same problem

I also had the issue, don't install it through the Itch application, you have to manually install it on the website for the new one. Hope it works!

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how does one do that :') i only use the app so im sure how

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Quite simple, just go on chrome (Or whatever internet browser you use) go to their Itch webpage and search for it, or copy and pasting this link : https://echoesofarcane.itch.io/farbeyondtheworld and download it there. Hope it helps :p


OH MY GOD??? I am so happy to see this has updated you don't even know. There hasn't been a month gone by that I have not regularly thought about this VN- it is just a masterpiece of writing and visuals, and it absolutely yanks at your heartstrings like no tomorrow. Can't wait to play it all the way through from the beginning with the next update, so I think I'm going to hold my breath and wait a little longer before reading the update- thank you for continuing with this story!!!

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